Communication Workshop for Grades 4-7


Psychologists have proven that children gain resilience and self-confidence through Public Speaking. In these classes students will participate in fun communication activities with a focus on speech structure, speech delivery and the tips and tricks of public speaking. They will learn how to speak in an interview situation; conflict resolution through to debating skill development; how to have a respectful conversation and how to deliver an impactful speech in front of an audience. These 21st century skills are critical and will assist young people as they prepare for high school and beyond. Each child receives a certificate and a performance for parents occurs in the last class.

Only 12 places available!

Who: Students in Grades 4-7

When: Wednesday’s 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th November 2023 3:30pm – 5:30pm

Venue: M3 at Pimlico State High School

Communication Coach: Joanne Keune

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